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ESS3 High Stable OEM Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor

Piezo-resistive Pressure Sensing Elements

Constructed of Stainless Steel 316L

More stable & compatible for different Applications

Millions of full-scale pressure cycles without affecting accuracy.

ESS319I Pressure Sensor Module

 Silicon Piezoresistive Sensing with PCB (Roundness & Rectangular)

Output Signal Amplified 0.5-4.5V  (3-wire) & 4-20mA (2-wire)

Diameter 12mm & 19mm

EST330S High Temperature Pressure Transmitter

Range 0-125mbar. Temperature -40℃~125℃

Accuracy ±0.5%. DIN43650/Cable Outlet Connection

NPT½ NPT¼ G½ G¼ Thread Connection

Ceramic Piezo-Resistance Pressure Senor

High stable quality ceramic piezo-resistance pressure sensor

Ceramic Al2O3 96%,

Range from – 1bar to 50bar

Accuracy of 0.5%/F.S

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